Tooth Scan Smart Mirror
In order to make the experience of brushing ones teeth more enjoyable and more effective, a smart mirror toothscanner prototype was developed. This smart mirror is designed to scan ones teeth pre and post brushing in order to let the user know how well they are brushing everyday. During the dentist reccomended 2 minutes that one is supposed to brush, quick digestible facts are brought on screen to make the time go by faster. The user is entertained and forget that they are brushing for the effective amout of time.
This project developed after many playful tests using Scratch, Makey Makey, Adobe XD, and Leap Motion. What started as a silly test to get to learn new machinery developed into an experience design. After many user based tests, an effective prototyped system was developed.
To make the smart mirror come to life, a sink and box encompassing a computer against glass were built to allow the user to feel as if they were using the smart mirror in their own bathroom.
This project developed after many playful tests using Scratch, Makey Makey, Adobe XD, and Leap Motion. What started as a silly test to get to learn new machinery developed into an experience design. After many user based tests, an effective prototyped system was developed.
To make the smart mirror come to life, a sink and box encompassing a computer against glass were built to allow the user to feel as if they were using the smart mirror in their own bathroom.
FALL 2020